Sunday, October 31, 2010

Oh no, Papa, it's just a Halloween hat!

Years ago, I bought this little hat for Ginger to wear at Halloween. She didn't stand for it — maybe because my parents and I laughed uncontrollably when we put it on her.

So I took a different approach with Papa. I just put the hat on, without fanfare or laughter.

Even though she cringed, she also posed for this yearbook-style photo. Her reward: lots of Frisbee in the yard.

I didn't even mind that she shook the hat so it looked more like a piece of jaunty neckwear. Tres chic, Pa-pa!

I'm writing this at my parents' house. Papa barks when the doorbell rings and barks when I open the door to trick-or-treaters, trying to force her way out. Still, one of them said, "Bye, Papaya!"

Happy Halloween!

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