Forgive my heavy-handed alliteration, but I'm trying to impress Michelle, who is excellent at creating catchy headlines. She knows how to evoke a sense of drama and excitement with her titles.
I'm not sure how we got on the topic, but we were chatting on Friday at the ABCD
Date with a Plate event. She and her sister-in-law Michelle and their friend Sharon volunteer every year for the benefit. While they hunted for disposable plates and managed the desserts, Carol and I wandered around sampling all the food. I really loved the panko-crusted tilapia and chocolate cake with chilis. If only I had saved room for the mini brats from Sendik's!

My weekend of revelry continued on Saturday at Pat’s birthday party at O’ Brien's. He's hosted his birthday there for the past few years and there's always a mix of friends from childhood and people he meets while he's out and about.
(If you've ever been to one of his Halloween shindigs, you know it's not an exaggeration to say that everyone goes to his parties. I've even met people in L.A. who know Pat.)

Though I got home at a reasonable hour, I found that Papa had ripped open a Ziploc that had two necklaces in it. She had also moved a Tupperware with a
BeadStyle project from the kitchen to the living room. I spared her the shame of shooting a photo of her handiwork. (Though, according to a
recent study, her “guilty” look comes from what I’m projecting — not from what she’s feeling.)
I did feel a bit guilty for my flurry of activity this weekend. I might be projecting, but it seems like Papa hates to be excluded.
Excellent photo! Michelle still seems to be perusing something off in the distance. The bar patrons at the Iron Horse did not seem to understand our matching attire.
It was great to hang out with you and Carol. I'm glad that you all had a good time! Wish you would have stayed to go out for an after benefit drink.
And I love your title! Good job.
I think Michelle was asking, "Why are we crouching?" Who knows. Carol thought you were all very funny. Those bar patrons, though? What is *not* to understand about the attire?
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