I wandered away to get some reuben rolls and when I came back, I couldn't find Keith in the masses of people watching fireworks. Thankfully we met up at Saz's and found some space near the t-shirt stand.
Hall and Oates are totally worth seeing, even if you have to go to a 10 p.m. show on a school night. Totally!
I had really tried to get a group together. But when I asked my work friends if they like H2O, most of them shot me down (some more politely than others):
"I like to make fun of Hall and Oates."
"No. Do you?"
"I guess I wouldn't change the station."
"I don't know. Do I?"
Sure, there were some promising answers. It was heartening to hear "My friend and I used to always go to the bar and play Private Eyes" and "I anticipate screaming like a 13-year-old on The Ed Sullivan Show during a Beatles appearance."
In the end, the huge crowd and a star sighting made me feel better. "Even Barry Alvarez loves Hall and Oates!" Keith said.
The time flew by in an 80s flashback. I could barely see (particularly the diminutive Oates, even in his melon-colored shirt), but I loved hearing Maneater, Family Man, Sara Smile, and Adult Education. There was only one song I didn't recognize, something from the 70s. Otherwise, it was one great tune after another.
In their first encore, they played You Make My Dreams — one of my favorites, that toe tapper! For the second, of course, it was Kiss on My List. If I were taller, I would have seen Oates play the guitar with his teeth.
The final song was — clap clap — Private Eyes.
Going to an H&O concert should be on your bucket list. Their music is one of the best things in life.
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