Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cool Jewels on FOX 6 WakeUp

Okay, maybe it wasn't so bad. Check out my Cool Jewels TV appearance.


Bergie said...

I've never had the fortune (or is it misfortune?) of doing a segment on live TV. I have, however, done some work on a DVD how-to series. Until you've had the experience of being in front of the camera, you can't understand how good live television personalities are. I had the chance to do second (or third, or fourth) takes... on live TV, you don't get a chance to go back and do something over.

With all that said, I think you did great. It's not easy being in front of a camera, let alone when it's for a live television morning show.

Kudos to you for a job well done. It's not only a great plug for your bead book for teens, it's also great exposure for the hobby of beading in general.

Via la Cool Jewels!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Oh my gosh you're such a star!!! I thought you were fantastic!!!that was GREAT!


michelle said...

I think you did a great job! And you looked great, too!

I want to see Bergie do a live television how-to segment. Perhaps front door painting?

Gov said...

Jon the Web Guy here. Just saw your segment on Fox. I wanted to pop by and say that you did great and to keep up the awesome work!

Naomi said...

I don't want to delete this post, but my friend Linda informed me that she couldn't find the video. Sorry!