Monday, February 27, 2012

Combo state playoffs

Our Le Club combo team competed at state playoffs this weekend. In the craziness, I didn't get any photos. (This one's from when we won our flight playoff at Highlander.)

Even though we're not advancing, there were many highlights this weekend:

• Patrice forgot her tennis skirt, then bought a black and green outfit without trying it on. I unknowingly bought the same outfit in red. We will look like Christmas if we ever wear them at the same time.

• Rocki's phone call to Ann, joking that she couldn't make it to her match on time.

• Kristen's reassurance during our first match: "You can't be that nervous. You held serve." Thanks, Kristen!

• Jane and Nora being down 9-8 in the super tiebreak (one point from losing the match). But then they won the next three points. Mental toughness!

• Lunch at Panera with Patrice, Kristen, Carol, Jill, and Cam.

• That Cam rolled bread into little balls and Jill sliced the brownie into tiny pieces so she could share with all of us.

• Kim's text: "I deserve to be there so play well." Followed by, "Ok — that message was supposed to read 'you' deserve to be there. How 'I' came up is weird but it is right next to the 'u'... I hate this phone. Good luck to all of 'u.'"

• Carol's one-handed backhand volley. Wish I could do that!

• Nora inviting us for a post-match glass of wine. Nora is always offering wine (and pizza).

• Saturday's victory dinner with Patrice and Tim at Mama Mia's.

• Trish and Patrice won all their matches. The entire season!

• Ann hugging us at the end of our matches. And one last time. "It was a good run," she said.

Cheers to my combo friends! I enjoyed all of the practices, pizzas, and playoff matches. I hope we can do it all again soon.


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

That was such a fun blog entry!
You have great friends and you certainly have a great time!
"Merry Christmas"! from your pal jean xox!

Naomi said...

Thanks, Jean! Playoffs (and friendship) are the best. Merry Christmas. :)