Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Good to be back

I haven't been blogging or playing tennis lately, and I've really missed both.

Yesterday on court 3, Rick, John, Carl, and Fred were playing doubles. One of them said, "You're here for a comeback!"

It was a warm welcome as Tom K. and I walked onto court 4 — he wisely kept me away from the "show courts." This was my first time playing tennis since injuring my arm in February.

A comeback suggests a good result, and I wouldn't say that things were quite so grand. Tom tried to fix my backhand grip, letting me know what he could and could not live with. At one point, he asked what I was thinking about as I was hitting. "Just trying to get the ball back." Such modest goals.

But my K-Swiss with nubby laces, the smell of not-quite-new tennis balls, seeing my Tuesday night group (whom I play with only once a month anyway) — all of it seemed new. And all of it was great.

Like coming home.

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