I've spent a few days in L.A. — a combination of work and play.
On Friday, Gloria and I had lunch. We've known each other for over ten years (I used to tutor, back when I lived here). Even though it's old school, we've kept in touch primarily through writing letters. I love getting those letters. Not only do I get updates about her family and friends, she also responds to stuff I've written. Letters lack the immediacy of a phone call (or even email), but there's something so deliberate and focused about them. And how often do you get a chance to really think about what you're saying to someone?
After lunch, Yukie and I met up with Diane and Todd on the terrace of their loft downtown. We had a great conversation (parts of which I'll use for my upcoming story for
East West magazine). They have a gorgeous food and photography blog,
White on Rice Couple. As you can tell from this photo, they laugh a lot.
(Sidebar: Yukie shot the L.A. interviews and
Bill Zuback shot the Milwaukee interviews. Thank you to both of them for their time and the excellent photos.)
Friday night, on to the Cheesecake Factory. Yes, I realize there's one in Milwaukee. But Linda and I needed a place to meet that was between Sherman Oaks and Torrance, and this was easy to find. We sat outside (another pleasure of being in a climate with mild weather) and noshed on the ungodly large appetizer platter.
Saturday, after another interview and photos, Yukie and I went to Rupen and Rebecca's wedding. Rupen and Yukie dated a jillion years ago, and they've stayed friends. Here we are with Rupen's high school friend, Ellie. And here's Rupen and Rebecca making their entrance at the reception.
Yesterday I went to lunch with Jim, another Tosa East grad. He rejected a restaurant photo-op, saying it was too touristy. Um, instead we got this photo — his idea, by the way.
So today is my last day in town. I think it will be fairly mellow. A little shopping, a little dinner. All in all, a good trip. See you soon!