Sunday, March 23, 2014

Happy 14th birthday, Papaya!

Today was Pops' birthday: 14 years old (or 98, in people time!).

I almost didn't post this first photo because she looks a bit frail and off balance. But sometimes she is, because she's 14 years old, for pup's sake!

As a senior, she's getting fussy: no interest in the chicken-flavored Nylabone I gave her (she used to enjoy chomping on those), and only mild attention to unwrapping her new frisbee. Gnawing and shredding things don't hold the appeal they once did.

Now, she prefers staring. Not into space, thankfully, but into your soul. And staring while we eat. My dad does give her noodles and ice cream (and today, potato chips), so her begging has paid off. This is but one photo in the cheesecake series.

I'm glad my good buddy is developing new interests. Cheers to your birthday, Pops!