Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The Office Grind

If you're interested in a he-said-she-said take on workplace dating, check out The Office Grind. The column originally appeared in print in the fall issue of Audrey.

Here's what the editor says:

"Is workplace “commingling” a good idea? Guest columnist Naomi Fujimoto says all’s fair in love and work, but Paul Nakayama wouldn’t touch that with a 10-foot laser pointer."

You decide.


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

This was a great and fun article! I loved BOTH points of view. Obviously, because I know you are a sensible woman, I figure you are not going to get yourself into a terribly awkward situation. The only thing neither of you mentioned which a friend of mine discussed with me once is the difficulty of simple propinquity with a married person in an office. This is a very tricky and complex problem and I believe it happens quite often. It is very sad, to me, when it does happen. My friend said you must expect this sort of situation--a sort of crush--to devolop, off and on, and move on! I think she had the right idea! jean xox

Naomi said...

Jean, that's a great point. I've never gotten involved with anyone who's married, but I know it happens (especially at the office). Though it would've made for an edgy column, I'm just glad I didn't have to write about it!