While Yukie was home, we made chocolate cake with mocha frosting, chocolate-covered peanut butter crackers, and chocolate mint cookies. I also ate fudge, truffles, peppermint bark, and all of the cookies Cathy gave us. Lots of chocolate.
Yukie and I rang in the New Year playing Scrabble, watching
Community, and eating Brie. But we didn’t spend her entire visit in robes and cozy socks (here she is putting a pair on Papa).
While I was out, she fixed my unbalanced washing machine, rearranged my Tupperware cabinet, and ran a 5K. Impressive, yes?
So despite my chocolate hangover, I find myself starting 2010 with a lot of energy. Tomorrow I'll be playing tennis at the crack of dawn (or 7:30, for you morning people). And even though it’s cold, the days are getting imperceptibly longer. That’s reassuring when the temps are in the teens.
Life is all about how you look at things. In my attempt to think positively — and by this, I don't mean being cheerful, but seeing possibilities — I want to find ways to get my writing out.
One of
last year's resolutions was about publication. Though I met it, I didn't have control over acceptances and that made me nuts. So this year, no declarations about my intended results — only about my effort. I've been thinking about how huge changes can happen with just a little extra effort. It works in tennis, so why not in writing?
Peter Vidmar wrote an article about how
a little extra effort can bring results. About how a fraction separates the best from the rest. The premise seems simple until you realize that the best put forth that effort even when they don't want to.
My resolution: I’ll send out my freelance writing at least 12 times this year. Even if I send a rejected piece to a new prospect, I'll still be focused on writing and submitting more. This may mean finding time to squeeze in a few extra minutes of writing. Who knows how that extra few minutes will pay off?
I wish you an exciting year of changes — and of seeing the possibilities in things.