Linda looked beautiful — and not a day over 29 — in a gauzy white number that will be wearable beyond the Roman party circuit. Sandy and Jeff bought complementary toga costumes — a smart and time-saving move. Some guests converted sheets and curtains into togalicious togs. One idea I may have to try: using a fitted sheet, which gives a nice drape.
I myself did some strategic bunching, pinning, and tucking, realizing that a toga is a two-person job (have you ever tried securing something on your back?).
L&L also set up a make-your-own toga station and a Roman backdrop for photos. They have creative friends who showed up with hats shaped like a Caesar salad and a coliseum. One guy brought a fan with a photo of JLo's ex.
Marc Antony!
It was a great party. There is something about being dressed in a bedsheet that strips away all pretenses. We hung out in the driveway, backyard, and front yard enjoying Caesar salads and Arnold Palmers (or L&Ls: Lipton and lemonade).
The night ended with fireworks. Roman candles, of course!
You look great! And what a fun idea for a 50th birthday party. You have such clever friends. :)
L&L really know how to go for it — and they have so many creative friends, it was cool to see all the ideas. You should've seen the invitation! :)
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