And I just happened to have this giant gummy bear in a pretty peridot (or "green apple") color. He was a Christmas gift from Yukie, and I brought him to the office to share. What's crazier than a huge chunk of gelatinous candy?
With spring-like enthusiasm, Kelsey and I had both dressed up to support our respective basketball teams.
Unfortunately, Keith threw his March Madness party the second week of the tournament, which meant that my UCLA t-shirt was already old news. At least Kelsey got to wear her Marquette gear an extra week.
On another unfortunate note, Pops had a fit of March Madness as well: she broke into the bathroom and shredded the garbage.
Oh Papa, oh Bruins, you break my heart. But such is the nature of March.
I do think that the whole genre of gummy candies belong in bizarre art projects, not people's diets!
I do love green candies (and chocolate-covered gummy bears) — but bite-sized is better than ginormous.
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