Thursday, June 3, 2010

Steve Byrne in Audrey magazine

A bit of publishing news: My web extra, Byrne, Baby, Byrne, is now up at Audrey magazine's website. You can also pick up the summer issue for my writeup of Steve in their “Personalities” section.

I had a blast at the show and can't wait to see it again!

Many thanks to Todd Porter, who shot the photos from the show (including this one), and my sister, Yukie, who shot the interview photos. A side note: Todd and Diane write a blog, White on Rice Couple, about their adventures in cooking, gardening, traveling, and photography. So check that out, too!


Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

Congratulations--what a great title for the piece which you wrote! I can't wait to see it! You are one of a kind and I KNOW it will be terrific!

I find reading about people one of the most entertaining things I do. I am so curious to better understand our similarities and our differences.

You shine!

xox jean

Naomi said...

Thanks, Jean! BTW, I have to give credit to Anna, the editor I worked with, for the title. I could not let you think I was falsely brilliant. :)

Drye Goods said...

Naomi: Sorry it took me a while to read your Byrne piece. Just read it. Very well done, a clip to be proud of. Will e-mail more thoughts soon.


Naomi said...

Thanks, Willie! I'm looking forward to hearing about your new projects.

William Zuback said...

Very nice indeed Naomi. You will have to bring in the printed piece when you get it. I'd love to see that as well.