Except for one Saturday. I came home from a party to find plastic bags and wrapping paper and batteries and paper towels strewn all over the floor. What was missing: the fatty bits from the leftover roast I had eaten for dinner. At least Papa did not eat any of the TSP-soaked rags that I used to clean the walls before painting. And she didn't get sick.
I don't know why Papa did this. Boredom? Separation anxiety? Hunger?
I've been giving her a bit more food lately. And hoping that she does not come up with any new ways to make trouble in the house. Be cool, Papa.
I know why...
Because Papa is a *dog* lol. My Misty will do that once in a blue moon, then cower for days on end! I do find it fascinating how they can find exactly what they want and leave all the yuck behind untouched. I need Misty to teach me that lol.
Have a good one,
Penny \IiiI
Texan Landed In Michigan
Days on end? Wow, at least she feels contrite. :) Thanks, Penny.
I like the way Papa's waiting at her dog bowl in the top picture as if nothing is wrong. Too Funny!
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