Our sorority reunion really started Saturday afternoon, when Ruth and I
looked at her old pictures.
Linda, Zoraya, and me |
Exactly 22 years earlier, I'd given her a
framed photo of us: She rocked a gold sequined dress and I wore a strapless
leopard print with rhinestones.
Good times, wearing over-the-top dresses during the day.
On our drive to Berkeley, we talked about who had RSVP'ed and how much we admired Marjorie's genuine excitement at seeing everyone.
Marjo did not disappoint, starting with the pre-party in the hotel room
she was sharing with Ginger. Every so often there'd be some shrieking
when someone new arrived.
Linda and Nancy |
Once we got to the reunion, it was hard to keep up
with the wine and food because there was always someone to hug. At some point, Marjo announced, "Wasted!" and gave
more hugs and kisses and squeezes to everyone.
I loved catching up with old roommates (I know "old" sounds bad, but I hate the
formality of "former"): Merideth. Susanne. Liz, who reminded me of our
post-college 1490 Sacramento apartment — and yes, I Googled it.
After the reunion, we
did fit in some one-on-one time, marveling at who looks
even younger than they did in college (Annie and Norene, are
there hideous paintings in your attic?). Linda and Yvonne and Liz and Susanne, I'm so glad we got together.
It was great to be able to say, "I regret
having lost touch with you" and then be able to pick right back up.
After all this time, it's funny what we remember. I can remember who
Susanne set me up
with. Her, not so much: "Oh. He was nice."
me and Susanne |
The reunion was a night of wonderful memories and horrible selfies. (I'd like to practice and get better at them, but who does that?)
Brenda, Zoraya, me, Liz Q., Alma, Kim, Anne, Ruth, and Carmen |
I did miss talking to a few people — Brenda, Kim, and Erika, for starters. We will have to catch up another way. And I didn't get a chance to talk to Julie and Deanna, who arranged everything and got us all together. Thank you!
Let's do it all again soon.